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Digestive-system - (A)Mouth cavity ( buccut couity )
TeethMouth cavityMouth cavityInsomnia: -Description -Assption -Smoking -BasisanDigestion in the mouth cavity :-( buccut couity)Teeth: The study of gnosis: - OdenetologyCoconut shell (dental valk) enamelThere are four types of 32 teeth in man
32 - 20 teeth = floating teeth / milk
12 Dates = Fixed teeth / Aakal ki TodaiI = cysier - rodentsC = canine - radiant = rupture-spreadPm = Primolor - Epitromatic = ChewingM = molar - chemistry = chewingNote: - Vegetarian creatures evolve evidently while non-vegetarian creatures develop well (large) teethCanine (bleeding)Elephant's tooth is the transformation of upper ascarier

The mouth, consists of 2 regions, the vestibule and the oral cavity proper. The vestibule is the area between the teeth, lips and cheeks.The oral cavity is bounded at the sides and in front by the alveolar process (containing the teeth) and at the back by the isthmus of the fauces. Its roof is formed by hard palate and soft palate and the floor is formed by the mylohyoid muscles and is occupied mainly by the tongue. A mucous membrane – the oral mucosa, lines the sides and under surface of the tongue to the gums, lining the inner aspect of the jawbone (mandible). It receives the secretions from the submaxillary and sublingual salivary glands.
मुँह गुहा
अंतग्रहण :-पाचन -अवशोषण -स्वागिकरण -बहिसयण
मुँह गुहा में पाचन :-( buccut couity )
दात ( teeth ): दांतो का अध्ययन :- ओडेनटोलोजी
दांतो के चारो और का आवरण ( दन्त वल्क ) इनेमल
मनुष्य में चार प्रकार के कुल 32 दात होते है
32 - 20 दात = अस्थायी दात / दुध के
12 डात = स्थायी दात / अक्ल की टोडे
i = ईसाइजर - कृन्तक = काटना
c = कैनायन - रदनक = चीरना -फाड़ना
pm = प्रिमोलर - अग्रथवर्णक = चबाना
m = मोलर - चवर्णक = चबाना
note :- शाकाहारी प्राणियो अल्प विकसित जबकि मांसाहारी प्राणियों सुविकसित ( बड़े ) दात
केनयन ( रदनक )
हाथी के दात ऊपरी एसाईजर के रूपान्तरण है