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The Three Secrets to Success with Women Everywhere
The Three Secrets to Success with Women Everywhere
If you know what women want in a man, then you
are going to be a superstar when it comes to
women. I mean it.
Why? Simply because so few men do actually
know what it is that women want!
I don't want you to be what Neil Strauss,
author of The Game, so aptly termed an Average
Frustrated Chump - by which I mean, someone who
struggles to be popular with women WITHOUT EVER
To be successful with women, you have to get
inside their heads. Otherwise, you'll spend your
life thrashing around in the morass of
uncertainty, perhaps fluking a success every now
and then, but without really ever figuring out
what you're doing right.
The time has come to end all that.
Today, I'm going to tell you three things that
- once you've got them mastered - will have women
eating out of your hand. They're not difficult, or
even particularly demanding. It's just that most
men don't bother to find out, choosing instead to
rely on their good looks/quick wit/wide shoulders
to ensure success with women.
The best part: once you've got these four
things mastered, you don't NEED good looks. You
don't NEED any of the usual trappings of a
"ladies' man" - the square jaw, the sharp clothes,
the post as managing director.
You just need to be able to look at things from
a female perspective. Once you've got that down
pat, the rest will be easy.
Well, there are four basic things that ALL
women find devastatingly attractive in a man. And
the best part? ANYONE can do it. It's just that
most men don't have a clue ... or are simply too
lazy to bother doing anything about it ... or, worse
yet, THINK they know, but actually are just as
average and frustrated as all the other chumps out
Some guys prefer to be complacent in their
shortcomings. It's common to hear things like,
"She should just accept me as I am ... if we were
meant to be together, she'd like me for my real
personality ... I don't feel like I should have to
change for anyone ..." and so on, when the subject
of What Women Want comes up.
Well, guess what? That's an ignorant and
arrogant attitude to take. I'm not saying you need
to contort your personality into new and bizarre
shapes to please a woman - because that really
WOULD be unhealthy.
Instead, I'm saying that you should be the best
"you" that you can possibly be. That you should
get your life in shape and order, so that YOU are
getting as much out of it as you possibly can.
That you should take care of yourself, and make
sure your needs are being met and your wants are
being fulfilled.
THAT is the kind of man that women want. A man
who's got his life sorted, who is happy and
content in his own world, and who is open to the
possibility of sharing that with somebody
That doesn't sound too scary, does it? In fact,
it sounds downright healthy. Appealing, even.
So let's take a further look at the four
qualities that women find UNIVERSALLY appealing ...
1. Self-Confidence is King.
There really is just no getting past this one.
Self-confidence forms the building blocks of any
successful relationship. In any situation -
doesn't matter what it is - the man with the most
self-confidence will ALWAYS win.
It's infectious, and it's highly attractive.
Females like men who are sure of themselves.
Need an example? Just think of ANY 'dreamboat'
of a man that women drool openly over. In fact,
most of these men are admired by OTHER MEN, too -
not in a romantic sense, but as a role model.
Someone they aspire to be.
James Bond, for example - cool. Confident. In
control. Women everywhere love Bond (and men
everywhere want to BE Bond.)
Just about any superhero - Batman. Or Superman.
Even Spiderman, nerdy little Tobey Maguire,
managed to win the heart of sexy Mary-Jane. It
wasn't because he was sexy (ohhh, no!). It wasn't
because he was good-looking. It wasn't even
because he was a superhero, because he chose to
keep that particular fact private. It was because,
once he began to believe in himself, his whole
aura changed - and he became irresistible to
Sure, he's pretty disgusting PHYSICAL specimen of
masculinity - but that just proves my point. Does
that greasy comb-over or middle-aged paunch matter
when it comes to women? Not at all. Just look at
some of the women he's dated (and even married!).
And no, it's not the money that's formed the basis
of his success with women - it's his CONFIDENCE
and POWER, the things that LED to his money, that
females find attractive.
You just can't get away from it.
Self-confidence is the number-one attractive
quality that a man can have. It supersedes ALL
other characteristics. If you have faith in
yourself, think highly of yourself, and expect -
not HOPE, but EXPECT - others to feel the same
way, they will.
2. Mature Men are Hot. To ALL Women.
Sure, some guys have a boyish, devilish charm -
James Dean, perhaps, or Leonardo DiCaprio. Guys
with youthful, feminine faces (large eyes,
delicate features), a hellcat's take on life, and
a penchant for hard liquor, fast cars, and fast
Most women will admit unashamedly that they
fantasize about a night with one of these men - or
maybe a dirty weekend.
But in Real Life, these types of guys don't get
much further than a second look. Females aren't
attracted to men who don't have their lives
together. They're not attracted to guys who spell
trouble, who'll never get on with their parents,
who all their friends will hate, and who won't
ever be able to bring home the bacon.
Women want someone who's MATURE.
Please note: MATURE and BORING are not the same
thing. A properly mature guy knows how to have
fun better than anyone else - and is skilled
enough at it to make sure the woman he's with is
having the time of her life, too.
Here's what I mean by 'mature': the kind of guy
who's got his life sorted out. He's got a job he
likes, that he finds rewarding, interesting, and
fulfilling. He has goals, both long and
short-term, that he's working on. He's living a
lifestyle that he finds acceptable and enjoyable.
He works out, eats good-quality food, and takes
care of his body. His horizons are broader than
beers every weekend with the guys - he has
interests and hobbies and things that he's
Maturity doesn't necessarily equal a
nine-to-five job in the office and 2 weeks'
holiday per year. Maturity is also the guy who
works hard to get his rock band off the ground and
into the charts, who spends his weekends
rock-climbing, and whose best friend is his
mixed-breed dog who's shared his life for the last
eight years.
It's the guy who spent the past
decade travelling around the world, working odd
jobs in Peru and Argentina and and Chile, because
he knew he wanted to grow as a person and
experience what the world had to offer. It's the
guy who chucked in his boring, safe job as a
marketing agent and invested everything into
launching his own enterprise.
From a woman's perspective, maturity means
living a life that you love. Or, if you're not
quite there yet, working out how you can ATTAIN a
life that you love.
There is little in life that is more attractive
than someone who knows what they want, and has a
plan to get it. So perhaps you'd like to get out a
pencil and a pad of paper and sort out some goals
for yourself - can there be much more of a
win-win situation than getting your life sorted
and enjoyable while attracting females at the same
3. You're Happy That She Has a Life.
It may be an open stereotype that women are the
"ball and chain" of a man's life - but among
women, it's widely acknowledged that too many men
perform the exact same function.
A great deal of men are more domineering than
they realize. Once they become attached to a
woman, they attempt to control her life - often
not even realizing that they're doing it. And if
they DO realize it, they don't think about how it
comes across to the woman, or the position that
that behavior puts her in.
I'm talking about the kind of behavior that
stems from deep-seated insecurity - the kind of
insecurity that causes jealousy. Jealousy =
controlling behavior and a lot of needless grief
for everyone.
Jealousy is never an attractive trait to have.
A lot of men have this problem, to some extent -
whether it's sulking when the good-looking waiter
winks at your girlfriend, refusing to allow her a
night out on the town with her girlfriends without
guilt-tripping her about how she didn't invite
you along, or kicking up a stink when she has a
business lunch with a hunky new employee from the
In fact, this is SUCH a common trait that when
a woman comes across a guy who is secure enough in
himself and his own personality to allow her
COMPLETE AND UTTER FREEDOM in her own life, she
rapidly becomes utterly addicted to him.
The sense of personal freedom and pleasure that
comes from spending time with a man who never
attempts to impose his will on how you handle your
life is INCREDIBLE. Not only because it's so
liberating - as only women who've experienced the
boredom and frustration of a relationship with a
Jealous Man can attest - but because it speaks so
highly of YOUR frame of mind and security, too.
It takes incredible levels of self-esteem and
confidence for the average man not to be jealous
AT ALL, whether it's of a woman's male friends,
the fact that she earns more than him, or the
attention she gets from other men when out and
about. Such high levels, in fact, that it's an
unusual man indeed who can maintain them.
