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Bank of England finds five separate errors in failure to spot Charlotte Hogg mistakes

Five different mistakes meant, Charlotte Hogg's failure to disclose
his brother's job at Barclays was missed by the bank of England over a
period of four years, leading to ...Five different mistakes meant that Charlotte Hogg's failure to
disclose his brother's job at Barclays was missed by the Bank of England
over a period of four years, leading to her resignation just as she was
promoted to Deputy Governor, a new review revealed.Ms Hogg was seen as a rising star at the bank, but when the MPs discovered his accidental failure.She resigned shortly afterwards, and the Bank of England launched a
major review of its rules and practices around conflicts of interest
An existing senior manager will be given the new powers, including interviewing top bosses, including Mark Carney.Problems in Ms Hogg's recruitment process spanned both the Bank of
England and the Treasury, as well as the decisions of the senior
officials at the bank.The first problem on the review of the "shortcomings" came in 2013
when Ms Hogg was hired from Santander to become the Bank of England's
first chief operations officer.
At the time the bank failed to use its normal human resources
processes, instead of declaring conflicts of interest "via a brief
exchange of emails with the then chair of court", the board of directors
of the equivalent.In 2015 a code of conduct was published which failed to "set out clearly the bank's requirements on relations disclosures".Under the code, staff has made an attestation to the code, but workers
did not actually have their completeness before attesting to their
declarations and clicking on an online form to confirm this, which
"risked the effectiveness of the process risked".When she applied for the Deputy Governor job, Ms Hogg failed to declare her brother's job, and the form was not shared.Finally
when she went to the Treasury Select Committee, Ms Hogg discussed her
form with the Bank and included her brother's job as a potential
conflict, but the bank failed to confirm it with its own records, which
contained that declaration.