my book Join Our Book Reading Challenge – July 2017

my book Join Our Book Reading Challenge – July 2017
by - chetram nagar

"One reader lives the lives of thousands of people before he dies, said chetram nagar. The man who never reads remains the only one.

Do you love to read?In January we started the Chetram Nagar Reading Challenge of the group's inauguration.Already we have learned about reading some fine books, and new friends from our friends who have deployed their own recommendations. My personal reading list is now long enough to get through me until at least next year.For those of you who are joining us now, let me clarify the challenge for you. It's very easy!Here are four easy steps:

Read or otherwise consume a book every month. You can borrow a book from the library, or buy one. It can be given to you on gift, or who knows when it may be waiting for you in a heap of beds next to the bed ... or it can be an e-book, or an audio book is. It can be any type of book at all. A novel, a romance, crime, a non-fiction book like a memoir or a cookbook or a travel book, of children or young adults. It can be a graphic novel. Or even a textbook.
The name of the book you are currently reading here or more on our Chatram nagar is another book that you have already enjoyed reading and feel free to give suggestions. In this way you will be adding a list of books that we all can choose from in dive and from. I love finding new reading recommendations!
Download Reading Challenge Bingo Sheet. Write the name of the book every month you have read in the same class. If you read two books in a month, it is okay to allocate one for another month. Or add additional book for your current month. Then for each book you can read a jar to add a small amount of money. This book can be less than ten cents per book. Here you do not have to download bingo sheets - just click on this link: Book Reading Challenge Bingo Sheet Then when you have read in your first book start filling it.

 The man who never reads remains the only one.In December I'm going to ask you to use the money you can buy a literacy project or similar and have saved money to donate a book to a donation for a Christmas gift or donation . (Even if you only saved ten cents every month $ 1 where you will buy a decent second hand book anywhere.) It brings some reading that looks good to help to experience pleasure and comfort Would have been The world needs more readers. You want the team to challenge this challenge a great idea too!

 For those of you who are already participating, I can not wait to hear about your book recommendations!But if you have not joined us yet, it is not too late. And I would love to include your friends too, so please share this post far away.On the first Saturday of every month (as long as the first day of the month, where I coincide with my energetic forecast post for the month ahead - in which case, this month as it is the second Saturday) Will post on the blog, and you have any suggestions if you ask what you are reading and to share.All year we will practice compassion for ourselves by reading.At the end of the year we will pass some of that kindness on someone you want to join me?Go ahead and write down your name, and join me in there.happy reading!Lots of love, chetram nagar
