Just For Today, Choose Kindness

Just For Today, Choose Kindness
by chetram nagar

"Be kindless when possible It is always possible. "

     "When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also develop inner happiness and peace."

     ~ Both Quotes from The Dalai Lama

 I have a little challenge for you today. It's a kind of soul medicine, and although it can be a little difficult if you're out of practice, the more you move into the energy of this challenge the more you will find that it was always your soul's default position. Think of this challenge as a way to restore your factory settings!


Just for today, choose kindness.

Choose to smile from your heart.

Hold back any harsh thoughts, words or criticisms, and find a way to be gentle in your dealings with self and others.

Let kindness be both your journey and your destination.

 Just for today, choose kindness.

Let kindness colour the way you see the world.

Put away judgement, and seek out things that can swell your heart with gratitude.

Look for the good in people, the beauty in your surroundings, the blessings at your feet.

Appreciate the simple things, and if you can, share those simple things with others.

 A caring word, a gentle touch, a nod of support – none of these things will cost you a penny, but to someone they might be priceless gifts.

When we choose kindness, we ease the way for ourselves and others.  We become an agent for flow and abundance.  Our attitude affirms the goodness and connection inherent in this experience we call life.

 Just for today, choose kindness.

Let the energy of love transform your life.  Let the energy of love transform our world.

Just for today, choose kindness.

Today, in someone’s darkness, you can be the Light.

Sending all my love to you
