Cherry, Pistachio and Pea Shoot Salad with Tangy Peach Dressing india

Cherry, Pistachio and Pea Shoot Salad with Tangy Peach Dressing india

A simple lunch salad recipe highlighting seasonal cherries and peaches along with pistachios, sugar snap peas and a rather special fat-free and fruity dressing. Add crumbles of goat's cheese or cashew ricotta for a yummy, creamy tang.

 Before the stone fruits season completely leaves us, I thought I would just nip in quickly to post a simple and elegant salad recipe that highlights two summer faves - cherries and peaches. As with most fruits at their succulent best, devoured whilst in a bath - or by the kitchen sink if you are boring - is the way to go. But when I am jaded by yet another juicy, sunset-stained peach or paper bag full of shiny crimson cherries, I almost always pop them in a salad. And even make dressing from them. This last way with fruit is a great way to use slightly "over" specimens, or even ones that have taken a tumble off the countertop.
